
Welcome to our company EURO-FENCES.

EURO-FENCES has been designed to meet even the most demanding customers. From day one we decided to offer the best and most modern solutions in the field of gates, fences and equipment, houses and institutions.

At present, our product range includes traditional aluminum gates and fences. In addition, with a view to meeting the needs of our customers and based on our experience, trust in relation to our suppliers, employees decided to take our fences and railings in aluminum and stainless steel unlimited time warranty (lifetime warranty).

If you are interested in our products and services, or have any questions please contact. We are pleased to provide you with detailed answers to your questions and we will try to explain all matters related to the purchase and use of our fences. Our consultants are available 24/7/365 system.

EURO-FENCES using the most modern production methods and adapting to customer expectations provides you with UNLIMITED TIME WARRANTY on the fence and gates made ​​of stainless steel and aluminum. In the case of the remaining fences, railings warranty covers a period of two years.

We inform you that our warranty does not cover automation, actuators, intercoms and mechanical damage as a result of activities on third parties. Warranty also does not cover damage as a result of the activities of forces of nature (hail, windstorms).


We are currently experiencing longer delivery we apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Safety our collogues and customers is our priority we continue to deliver safety to your home but we can not guarantee delivery on time.

Any question please ring our office or e-mail office@euro-fences.co.uk